Some of their most recent releases include LABS – Electronic Antique, LABS – Vintage Drums, and LABS – Foghorn. The LABS series continues to grow, and as of this writing, there are 53 instruments in the categories of basses, brass, choir & vocals, drums, experimental, folk & world, guitars, hybrid, orchestras, percussion, pianos & keys, plucked, strings, synths, and woodwinds. And while their functionality is usually quite sparse, and they are one trick ponies, their sound is hard to argue with.

Each one feature the highest quality of samples available. Spitfire Audio, though, has been setting a new standard with their LABS series of virtual instruments.

This was more than enough for sketching and demos, maybe even some lo-fi commercial work, but it wasn’t ideal for soundtracks and commercial releases. In the early days of VSTi development (especially free plugins), instruments tended to sound unnatural, inorganic, and low quality.