Download horsehair worm life cycle
Download horsehair worm life cycle

Keep the lights on for about six to seven hours. Install a proper lighting system in your tank.Remove the dead animal as soon as possible. Do not keep any dead species in the tank.

download horsehair worm life cycle download horsehair worm life cycle

  • Use a good filter to keep tank water purified.
  • If you find out your Shrimp is infected with these worms, isolate the Shrimp immediately.
  • Monitor your shrimps (and snails) behavior and if you see any changes, seek the cause immediately.
  • Check the water parameters weekly to ensure proper water conditions in your tank.
  • You should do a 30% water change weekly to keep the tank clean.
  • Clean the water of your tank with routine flushing.
  • Prevent nuisance insects such as Crickets entering the tank as they are known horsehair worm hosts.
  • If you pump water to your tank from a surface supply such as a canal or pond, filter the water with a mesh filter to get rid of those worms.
  • download horsehair worm life cycle

    If you find a horsehair worm in your aquarium, remove it with your hand or with a net.

    Download horsehair worm life cycle