I am currently in Switzerland so I do not know if this might be the issue here. I have been on the lead of this new software called Adobe Experience Manager Form (AEM) that is apparently replacing Live cycle. So I tried desperately to get the AEM from Adobe, but it seems impossible as they send me links to download it and it never worked. I tried with their dedicated form to get it but no answer after a month, I tried by phone but I reached only people that do not know what to do or do not know about it. I asked to get the contact of people managing AEM but they do not want to give it. I start to think that this program does not exist. I asked them to get the old Adobe Livecycle (not the best option looking forward but still something), it is impossible for them to provide it. I have been in contact with Adobe with this issue for 3 month now but it leads nowhere as they only give me useless links that I already found myself. Is there a new program capable to deal with XFA format? edit, convert (XFA to pdf, PDF to XFA), save in XFA, etc.

The biggest issue is that I use a software that read the forms to collect data only with XFA format. I cannot change the date format for these forms since we are using a custom date format: dd/mmm/yyyy for all the other one and our software might not be able to read another date format. If it was not enough work already since these forms are used in more than 56 languages (languages using symbols (like Korean)) are creating issues later with date format (even when clicking on the drop-down calendar, see on this post Re: PDF form Drop Down Calendar Korean font - Adobe Support Community - 11643881). I have to correct those forms, sometimes for just a "." and the only way I found is to print the form (as advised on the Adobe site). But this completely destroys the document and suppresses all the drop-down menus. Meaning that I have to re do all the form for just a ".". I am currently working on old pdf forms encoded with an XFA format that was made with the old software Adobe Livecycle. I have been struggling with this issue for more than 3 months and I am running out of solutions.